
Our uniform consists of:

· Red sweatshirt

· White or red polo shirt

· Black or grey trousers, skirt or pinafore (or red checked summer dresses)

We also recommend Velcro-fastening shoes (rather than laces or buckles) for Early Years children so that they can change in and out of their shoes independently.

Children are expected to have the correct clothing for PE that is:

· Plimsolls, black shorts and white/red t-shirts, jogging bottoms and sweatshirts for outdoor winter use.  No football shirts

· Jewellery should not be worn

Uniform with our logo on can be purchased from Uniform Direct & the Uniform Hut however, this is not compulsory.

All available from



We also offer parents the opportunity to purchase pre-loved uniform from us - details for this are sent out to parents via Class Dojo.

We also aim to play outside in all weathers so please supply your child with a warm coat or raincoat during cold or wet weather, and a hat and sun-cream during hot weather.


Jewellery, Mobile Phones and Smart Devices

To ensure the safety of children whilst they are in school, the wearing of necklaces, rings and bracelets are not permitted. Children can wear stud earrings and a watch. Children must be able to remove their earrings themselves for P.E.

Children in Years 5 & 6 are permitted to bring a mobile phone into school if as a parent, you feel that it will support them to be more independent on there way to and from school; supporting your child to be secondary school ready.

If your child brings their mobile phone into school, they will turn it off & place it in a drawer in their classroom. It will stay in the drawer all day, turned off, so that it does not disrupt learning & your child will retrieve their mobile phone at the end of the day.

However, school is not responsible for any mobile phones if they are damaged or stolen. Parents must complete a consent form in Bromcom to enable their child's mobile phone to be brought into school.

All other children are not permitted mobile phones in school. If these are brought in to school, they will be turned off and stored in the Main Office until a parent or carer can collect.

Smart devices (Apple/Garmin watches, Fit-Bits etc.) are not permitted in school.