Breakfast Club:
We provide breakfast and care for our children from Nursery to Year 6 from 7.45am to the school start time each day. When Breakfast Club finishes children are taken to class.
Breakfast comprises of toast and a selection of cereals, orange juice, apple juice and milk are also available.
There are a selection of activities and games played e.g. craft activities, board games and dodgeball etc.
Mrs Markham and Miss Russell run our Breakfast Club.
The cost per day is £3.00 per child/day and you can book your child a place via the MCAS App; all sessions are booked and paid for in advance.
Wraparound Care:
We provide wraparound care for our children from Nursery to Year 6, from the end of the school day (3.15pm) until 6.00pm.
A snack is provided, for example toast, fruit and biscuits.
There are a range of activities on offer that change across the week.
Mrs Brown, Miss Hewson, Mrs Markham, Miss Russell & Miss Wrightson run our wraparound care.
From 3.15pm to 5.00pm is £7.00 per child/day.
From 3.15pm to 6.00pm is £10.00 per child/day.
Please note, if a child is collected after 6.00pm, there will be a minimum charge of £50 as we then need to pay staff overtime.
We accept the 'Government Tax Free Childcare Scheme' which can provide up to 20% off Breakfast and/or Wraparound Care fees.
Your can book your child a place on wraparound care via the MCAS App; all sessions are booked and paid for in advance.